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Writer's pictureMike Whitman

40 Days of Praying in the Spirit - Day 18

Listening: Rev 2:7 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”.

Have you ever wondered what prayer does for God? What I mean is, what does God get out of your prayer time? Of course, He loves you, cares for you, and wants to hear you speak to Him, but does God get a word in? Is there space for the Holy Spirit to speak? Are you listening and leaning into His speaking? During these days of committed praying and focusing in on the Lord, we have an opportunity to learn the language of God further as we pray in the vernacular of heaven. The Holy Spirit is a communicator and is always relating things that concern His realm to our hearts and minds. The Holy Spirit wants to train us, and mature our sensitivity towards Him. Though constantly reliable, and consistently divine, He is ever-revealing in the mysteries of His Kingdom. Listen, oh Listen, to what He will whisper to your being as you pray in Him. Listen, and Watch what He will reveal because of your intentionality to be with Him.

Blessings Pastor Mike

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