2 Peter 1:21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
A characteristic of praying in the Spirit and waiting on the Holy Spirit, is the spoken word being released or sounded out. When we commit to believing and praying in the Spirit, the Lord Himself finds a vessel through whom He can declare His message in the form of declarations, decrees, and prophecies. The Apostle Paul encourages the early church regarding Praying in the Spirit (Tongues) that his desire is that all believers would minister in this gift. It would however, seemingly lead to a greater gift and that is to prophesy. Praying in the gift of tongues brings about our personal edification in that it builds up our spirit man. We receive personal growth and strength when we pray in the Spirit. Virtue seems to lead us to extend our articulation called prophecy. We make authoritative statements unwritten at the time, and verbalize what we hear the Lord, speak to our hearts. The Apostle Paul puts much weight on the ministry of prophesy as it edifies other believers whereas praying in tongues edifies the individual (except when interpreted). So, as we continue to venture into the ministry of the Holy Spirit, let us begin to discern how the Lord might stretch our listening and decreeing. God, wants us built up that we might build others up. We pray without ceasing, we pray in the Spirit and we herald the Word of God to its intended recipient.
Blessings, Blessings,
Pastor Mike.