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Writer's pictureMike Whitman

Day 22 of 40 days of Praying in the Spirit for Edification.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” 2Co 3:17

Freedom or liberty as it were is the craving and mantra of all humans. We fight for it, proclaim it in every place, and regard it as the highest form of nobleness. As believers in Christ, we are afforded a different kind of freedom: the liberty to live free from the guilt and shame of sin. When we pray in the Holy Spirit He brings liberty without guilt as we stand before heaven when we dialog before the Lord. The Holy Spirit also prays and worships through us without limitation when we yield to him, He then, with Liberty and freedom prays heaven's desire over a given situation or purpose concerning us. Today, as you pray yield to the Holy Spirit, and ask for the unction that releases you into greater Holy Spirit liberty. Liberty and freedom to mature and grow, liberty and freedom the change your atmosphere, liberty and freedom to taste the “new thing” He wants to express.

Liberty in the Holy Spirit be to you today.

Pastor Mike.

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