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Writer's pictureMike Whitman


John 20:22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them and *said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit."

There are many instances throughout the Holy Scriptures where we read of the Holy Spirit's involvement in the life of God's people. The Holy Spirit is identified in various ways including breath or wind, which is quite a familiar expression. In revival or moments of awaking, we describe the move of God as winds of revival. Jesus, upon preparing His disciples for ministry and sending them out, breathed upon them. Christ empowered them to do just as He did. The moving of the Holy Spirit in the disciples' lives, seemed to be consistent and regular as God was forming the bedrock for the formation of what we call “The Church”. I believe God wants us to encounter more of Him, I truly feel we are in a “God breathing moment” and if we position ourselves in proximity to his presence we will feel his breath. As you spend time with him, as you pray in the Holy Spirit, as you soak in His nearness expect Him to breathe on you renewing and refreshing every part of you. Remember you only get out what you put in, so let Him have His way as He broods over you.

Blessings and Favor.

Pastor Mike

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